Hydraulic Fracturing in the Trump Energy Policy Era: Key Principles and Best Practices for Turning the Tide of Public Perception

Hydraulic Fracturing in the Trump Energy Policy Era: Key Principles and Best Practices for Turning the Tide of Public Perception


Published:  2017
Number of Pages:  94

Format:  Electronic copy (PDF)
Report Code:  OG-1709

The Trump administration’s vision for an America-first energy plan means the country will rely heavily on its vast shale resources that the energy industry unlocked with fracking.  This bodes well for America’s oil and gas interests, but only if individual companies and the collective industry better manage the US and global public perception of and misconceptions about this technology.  This primary research report provides an in-depth assessment of industry’s stakeholder relations – and by extension, PR and social media – efforts to build relationships with key public stakeholder groups and win public support for hydraulic fracturing.  Tapping into in-depth interviews, discussion groups and data collection efforts with senior-level unconventional onshore oil and gas executives, this report provides a detailed explanation of industry’s past practices and mistakes, as well as the challenges to winning public support for fracking in the US, Europe, Asia and select emerging markets today and in the years ahead.  The report outlines new ideas and innovative practices for how industry can develop stakeholder communications and PR strategies to right the ship, and it outlines how industry can leverage social media to change the game.  Finally, this report examines hydraulic fracturing-related PR spending and budgets, identifies numerous advantages of onshore unconventional oil and natural gas to tout to the public, and discusses government’s role in shaping the landscape for shale oil and natural gas development.

Report Price$795.00  USD


This primary research report was developed using our unique “straight-to-the-source” primary research methodology.  We worked closely with senior-level industry executives (managers, directors, VPs, department heads), stakeholder relations experts, PR executives with expertise in the energy industry and in hydraulic fracturing, and representatives of numerous trade associations and industry groups to develop this comprehensive, detailed analysis of the state of the global stakeholder relations effort for hydraulic fracking.  This report uncovers past mistakes and pitfalls, identifies key trends and market forces, and outlines steps that all companies directly or indirectly involved in hydraulic fracturing must take to leverage stakeholder relations, operational excellence and best practices, PR and social media to win public support for fracking.

What You Will Learn in This Report

This report examines the different categories of hydraulic fracturing stakeholder groups around the globe, such as concerned citizens impacted by fracking taking place in their communities, and the organized global anti-fracking activist movement.  It uncovers these groups’ key characteristics and how they’re organized; unwraps their chief arguments and objections to fracking; examines similarities and differences among these groups – and how that necessitates different stakeholder relations strategies for building relationships with different interest groups; outlines how industry has interacted with and related to these groups in the past; and prescribes a detailed stakeholder relations, PR and communications plan for what industry needs to do differently to ensure future success in their relationships with key stakeholder groups.

The report analyzes the PR and communications mistakes, omissions and failures of the past that have created a PR nightmare of sorts for the global fracking industry, and in so doing, identifies key pitfalls that must be avoided.  It synthesizes best practices and innovative strategies gleaned from executive interviews, discussion groups and data exchanges, and it outlines a step-by-step guide that companies can follow to engender a more favorable public opinion of hydraulic fracking.  The report examines numerous arguments in favor of drilling for shale natural gas; identifies innovative, cleaner, safer technologies being adopted by operators; and outlines how companies can integrate this information into their comprehensive stakeholder relations, PR and communications plans.

You will learn how social media has been used in the global fracking PR effort, and how you can leverage social media to turn the tide of public opinion moving forward.  The report also examines fracking-specific stakeholder communications and PR spending and budgets, and it delves into the role government plays in shaping public opinion on this matter.  Finally, this report will help you understand the latest trends, challenges, and market forces shaping public opinion in hydraulic fracturing’s next PR and stakeholder relations battlegrounds, including Asia; Western, Central and Eastern Europe; and Central and South America.

Why Buy This Report

Use this report to:

  • Win the public’s support for hydraulic fracturing in the US, Europe, Asia and emerging markets
  • Establish the framework for a successful, comprehensive stakeholder relations and PR communications plan
  • Develop detailed profiles of the different public stakeholder groups that your communications plan must address
  • Build the case for hydraulic fracturing by touting shale oil and natural gas’ economic, energy and geopolitical benefits
  • Master social media trends and practices that have the power to quickly and drastically alter the landscape of public opinion
  • Examine hydraulic fracturing-specific stakeholder relations and PR budgets and spending practices
  • Promote innovative technologies that are making hydraulic fracturing cleaner and safer
  • Understand government’s role and leverage its influence in promoting the benefits of shale oil and natural gas development
  • Avoid common PR and communications pitfalls of the past

Report Contents:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Examining Objections to Hydraulic Fracturing
  3. Understanding the Audience: Concerned Citizens and the Global Anti-Fracking Movement
  4. Fracking Public Relations of the Last 10 Years: How PR Mistakes, Omissions and Failures Have Put Industry in a Deep Hole
  5. PR, Communications & Stakeholder Relations Strategies and Best Practices: A Step-by-Step Guide to Winning Public Support
  6. PR Positioning for Success: Promoting the Advantages of Shale Natural Gas
  7. Mastering the New PR Frontier: How Social Media Can Change the Game
  8. Stakeholder Relations, PR and Communications Spending and Budgets
  9. Government’s Role in Shaping Shale Oil and Natural Gas Development: Informing or Influencing?
  10. Hydraulic Fracturing’s Next PR Battlegrounds: Asia; Australia; Western, Central and Eastern Europe; South Africa; & Central and South America


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